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Re: VM using Debian cloud image does not connect to virtual network.

On 15 Aug 2023 21:12 +0100, from cristian.capsuna@gmail.com (Cristian Capsuna):
> This is my first message to the community


>     Finally, what is my problem? I have many problems but what you kind
> folk might be able to help me with is the lack of network connectivity of
> this VM machine created using a Debian cloud image. I have not done any of
> the cloud-init stuff. I am trying to keep the number of mechanisms I need
> to learn and set-up low.
>     I have tried using the below images:
>    - debian-12-genericcloud-amd64-20230802-1460
>    - debian-12-generic-amd64-20230802-1460

I haven't tried specifically with the "cloud" images, but I've done
something very similar to what it seems like you're doing (minus the
Ansible portion, at least so far) with the standard installation
DVD/USB images. Getting guest network connectivity with KVM is
slightly convoluted, but this blog post of mine might perhaps help you
get unstuck:


I was running Debian 11 when I wrote it but am fairly certain I didn't
need to make any adjustments when upgrading to Debian 12.

You may also be interested in


I hope that this will help you get unstuck.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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