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Re: List administrators - request for intervention - was - Re: Mailing list unsubscription requests and identificatio

On Sat, Aug 12, 2023 at 08:53:43AM +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
> Hello.
> Could the List administrators please shut down both this thread and the
> "unubscribe" thread?

Sadly, this list isn't fully moderated: the only way to stop any particular
thread is not to contribute to it.

I spend some time monitoring in case threads become acrimonious: I also
post an FAQ here once a month reminding folk here of the Debian Code of

It's probably worth another reminder, formally, from me as a member of
the Debian Community Team, that people posting to the list are respectfully
asked to abide by the Code of Conduct. Be polite, be constructive, be
helpful - don't fan the flames of flame wars.

No one of us is perfect: the temptation to just add a bit more when you
are irritated or something is wrong on the internet can be very strong.

Obligatory xkcd cartoon: https://xkcd.com/386

It's also quite easy to criticise the perpetrators of long threads: the easiest
way to stop them is not to add to them.

I could always add the how to unsubscribe to the FAQ - but if people don't read
mail headers and footers on the list, they won't read the FAQ either :(

> So, please, shut the two threads down, so the mailing list can return to the
> subject matter for which the list was created and is maintained; discussionWW
> of the use of Debian, and, seeking help with the operating system, and, not
> the extraneous (extreme euphemism) "stuff", that has arisen, like a living,
> growing, cesspool.
> Thank you in anticipation

With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater

For the Debian Community Team
> ..
> Bret Busby
> Armadale
> West Australia
> (UTC+0800)
> ..............

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