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Re: Debian 12: Failure to build ALPS kernel module

Le 04/08/2023 à 11:44, Loris Bennett a écrit :

I have a 10 year-old Dell E6230 laptop which I have updated regularly,
starting from Squeeze and have now updated to Bookworm.  Everything
seems to work except for the fact that a module fails to build for the
new kernel:

   Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 6.1.0-10-amd64 (x86_64)
   Consult /var/lib/dkms/psmouse/alps-1.3/build/make.log for more information.


I would say that in a distant past one needed to build this driver from external sources but nowadays it is included in the linux kernel source tree?

and it seems that in Debian Bookworm this driver is present directly in-kernel (not as a module):
didier@hp-notebook14:~$ find /lib/modules -name *alps*
didier@hp-notebook14:~$ grep -i alps /boot/config*

Perhaps am I wrong, but with Debian Bookworm, your alps device should work without a DKMS module, out of the box?

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