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Re: chrome web browser worthless

On Wed 02 Aug 2023 at 19:01:29 +0000, Andy Smith wrote:

> Gene,
> On Wed, Aug 02, 2023 at 02:05:48PM -0400, gene heskett wrote:
> > this is a blatent attack by chrome
> You've absolutely no evidence to suggest that, and other people
> have already pointed out they are unable to replicate your issues.
> Like almost every thread you start or derail here this is
> overwhelmingly more likely to be user error than anything else. On
> top of that you're talking about non-Debian software on a non-Debian
> OS, so how about taking these ridiculous outbursts to a non-Debian
> forum? Like you've already been asked to do.

Evidence is not needed. When some users do not know what they are
doing they think it can pay to target something else. It doesn't
solve anything, but the user feels better for spreading a degree
of alarm and misinformation.

They get to feel happy. We should appreviate their happiness and
emmbrace it and not say or imply that their statements are almost
completely idiotic.


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