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How could a standalone python binary executable be made from a python script, to be run on other computers that don't have python installed?

My dear Illustrious leaders and senior List Maintainers of Debian Users ML,

I want to have other users run my python script on their computers,
that don't have python installer, as a standalone binary/executable.

I searched the debian-user ML with the string, "standalone python
binary executable" but wasn't able to find a suitable solution.

Debian repository doesn't appear to have a package called
`pyinstaller` to make a standalone executable file to be run on Linux
or doze systems that do not have python installed.

I found that python3-pip could be used to download pyinstaller.

But I am diffident of a separate python installer program `pip` of
which I know nothing, unlike apt and debian repository which are a
very robust framework.

The version of python installed in my system is
Python 3.9.2 (default, Feb 28 2021, 17:03:44)
[GCC 10.2.1 20210110] on linux

Please reconsider before advising me to update `python3` to its latest
version which would mean updating my Debian to the latest stable
repository. I will definitely upgrade Debian in future, but not able
to, presently.

Eager for your advice.

With best wishes,
Rajib B

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