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Re: Wireless temperature & humidity measurement

* On 2023 14 Jul 02:37 -0500, Bruno Kleinert wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for a wireless way to measure temperature and humidity
> indoor with hardware off the shelf and software included in Debian 12
> bookworm.

Off the shelf the Davis Vantage Pro 2 is probably one of the most
popular.  I have one and the Integrated Sensor Suite (ISS) is placed
about 100 meters from the console.  Davis claims nearly 300m (1000 feet)
of distance between the ISS and console, but obstructions will surely
limit that.  The big problem with the Davis is that to get the interface
adapter one must buy their software package.  There are some independent
sources of interfaces (called loggers) which can be found mentioned at
the wxforum.net[1].

> Sensors --> Radio --> Receiver --> Any typical PC interface, e.g., USB,
> Ethernet.
> I don't need a visual interface, but plan to process measured values in
> shell scripts.

For software I use Weewx but it is not part of the Debian repositories
but does have a Debian package available.[2]  I have been using this
package for several years and am running the latest release of 4.10.2.
My data is uploaded to Weather Underground[3], CWOP [4](Citizens Weather
Observation Program) and my own Web host[5][6].  I've customized the
generated pages with additional images.  Weewx also supports supplying
data to other providers as well.  It is quite flexible.

> Do you have any hardware recommendations and can you share experience?

The Davis VP2 is likely among the most turnkey of stations available.
It does not have serial/Ethernet output included so that must be sourced
either through buying the Davis software package or from a third party.
Prior to the Davis I had a Peet Bros wired system but it caused and was
subject to interference to/from my amateur radio operations.  I've had
no interference problems with the Davis.

I recently did a bit of refurbishing of my ISS by replacing the tipping
spoon with a new design and replacing the anemometer sensing cartridge.
Those parts were easily sourced through Scaled Instruments[7].  They
carry complete stations for many brands as well as parts.

The aforementioned wxforum.net is a good place to seek out better
answers to your questions.


- Nate

[1] https://www.wxforum.net/index.php?board=59.0
[2] http://weewx.com/
[3] https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KKSBREME2?cm_ven=localwx_pwsdash
[4] http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/wxpage.cgi?call=n0nb
[5] https://www.n0nb.us/weather/
[6] https://www.n0nb.us/weather/seasons/index.html
[7] https://www.scaledinstruments.com/

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
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