It seems that this isn't being addressed at all. If I reboot, or if I call:
$ ip addr
...the wlan0 device comes up with no sign of any settings being set for that device.
I've tried various things; it's possible that something I've done is now getting in the way. For example,
$ ps auxwwf | grep wfa_supplicant
...finds two processes running, with different configurations:
... -u -s -O DIR=/DIR=/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
... -s -B -P /dev/ -i wlan0 -D nl80211,waxt -C /run/wpa_supplicant
They're not being registered as one calling the other, but maybe that's normal?
Not helping: while I have other host instances of Debian at al., they all have NetworkManager running, so, details are different, so I don't have anything nearby to look at for clues.
I've been reading around the net, currently I'm at:
...I'm not finding any clues there. Hints?
Thanks. Ergh.