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Re: Network setup on Raspberry Pi

On Mon, Jul 03, 2023 at 05:21:20PM -0500, Michael Jinks wrote:
> I have a Pi 4 machine where I've installed two OS's, the "house supplied",
> and Ubuntu, both worked fine so I'm sure the hardware is good.  Now I'd
> like to install Debian.
> I've found one very slim image of that, which ran without issue, but left
> nothing in the way of a network.  So now I'm trying to set that up from
> scratch.  All I have is WiFi.
> I have a file installed under '/etc/network/interfaces.d/wlan0, full
> contents:
>   auto lo
>     iface lo inet loopback
>   auto wlan0

I think a line like

  iface wlan0 inet dhcp

...or something similar is missing here.

>     wpa-ssid "[my network's name]"
>     wpa-spk "...and its password..."

Not that it matters syntax wise, but I typically don't indent the
lines "iface ..." which precede the interface details and treat
the "auto" lines as "main" items, like so:

  auto lo
  iface lo inet loopback

  auto wlan0
  iface wlan0 inet dhcp
     wpa-ssid "[my network's name]"
     wpa-spk "...and its password..."

That's also the convention in the man page examples, see man(5) interfaces.


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