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Re: Mouse trouble on sid

Am Tue, May 16, 2023 at 11:02:50AM +0100 schrieb Joe:

Hello Joe,

[...deleted a lot...]
> On Tue, 16 May 2023 10:44:03 +0100
> Joe <joe@jretrading.com> wrote:
> > > One idea is to try a minimalistic window manager as twm to find out
> > > if the issue is related to xfce.  
> > 
> > OK, tried twm and fvvm. Both unusable, as a left-click brings up a
> > menu for a fraction of a second. Couldn't log out of either, had to
> > switch to console and uninstall them. But they confirm the mouse
> > problem. It's obviously fairly fundamental.
> > 
> > Just tried previous kernel, but also bad. I can assume by now that
> > nobody else has seen this problem.
> Just as a sanity check, I booted Knoppix, and of course there's no
> problem, it's just an order of magnitude too slow from USB to do
> anything useful.

Now it seems as if the issue is related to X or the driver stuff.
I have three ideas.

1. Do you have any xorg.conf things in /etc or the related
directories? Nowadays X is not so bad in guessing the hardware which
makes xorg.conf and such obsolete. If there are X config files it
might be worth to move them to a safe place and to try without them.

2. It is unlikely, but it might be that some of the xinput related
programs or libraries have been corrupted. It might help to reinstall

3. The comparison of Xorg.log of Debian and Knoppix may give some

Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.

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