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Re: Debian installation using debootstrap and grub-install - no entry in ESC boot menu

There are a few things I forgot to say:

The recipe I posted earlier is executed on a system installed on the external drive /dev/sdb, which I call the installer system. It is also a Debian system, with the recipe's dependencies installed. To reproduce the issue (if you want), I suggest using a Debian Live-CD.

After installation and before attempting to boot I unplug the external drive to make sure it doesn't interfere with the boot process. With the external drive unplugged, there should be exactly one entry in the ESC boot menu, but there is none: It only offers me to enter setup, and that is what it does when I boot without pressing ESC.

Instead of booting the computer directly, I also tried booting the internal drive in a VM executed on the installer system using the following command:

sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -accel kvm -smp 2 -m 2G /dev/sda

This will show a GRUB command line as I expected. It just doesn't work on the real system, but in the VM it works (I hate that).

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