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Re: Am I infected with a rootkit?

On 2023-04-16 14:19, I wrote:
And there in the bash history were 4 lines that I had not written :-(

To summarize:

* Greg has convincingly argued that there is no way for the running shell to get those lines into its history, other than by issuing them over the ssh connection.

* We can therefore assume that the problem originated at the Windows machine (the ssh client).

* It seems that an intruder has had control over the Windows machine, including the ssh session, and thus, at least in principle, could have done harm also to the Linux machine.

* There is, however, no sign of an infection of the Linux machine. And the 4 lines do not suggest that whoever issued them knows what he's doing.

* So I am going to assume that the Linux machine is ok.

* The Windows machine could be infected with something that allows remote control.

* So I should probably reinstall the Windows machine from scratch - or perhaps restore a really old backup (I have one from July 2022, one from 2020, and one taken shortly after the original install in 2016).

Many thanks to everybody who answered!

Jesper Dybdal

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