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Re: "Bug" in Debian Installer?

On Sat, Apr 15, 2023 at 10:36:14AM +0100, Andrew Wood wrote:
> Ive just used the Debian 11 installer ISO running from a USB stick to do an
> install (AMD64/UEFI) on another USB stick to use as a 'portable PC'.
> When it got to the Grub install stage I was expecting it to ask me which
> disk I wanted Grub installed on as it has in the past but instead it did
> not.

Way before "grub install" should have been asked

   On which disk to install

> When I came to reboot the PC I found not only had it put Grub on the USB it
> had also put on the PCs NVMe SSD overwriting the Windows bootloader on
> there.

I do read "two devices were effected", I think it is the same error of

   On which disk to install

> Surely it should have prompted which disk I wanted it on?

Yes.  And it does. Normally.

Please make it possible to reproduce what is encountered.
Yeah, I would like to known what happened
and I say right now there is not enough information to reproduce.

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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