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Re: how to change default nameserver?

On 4/10/23 16:53, zithro wrote:
On 4/10/23 13:30, Greg Wooledge wrote:
Up to the resolv.conf, that is exactly what I do. But that change to resolv.conf adding the search line has been required since red hat 5.0 in 1998. until bullseye. Just last week I found it is not needed in an armbian bullseye install.

What ?! Red Hat ?!
I hope it's a writing mistake, and that you know that the system config is not handled the same way in RedHat and Debian ?

Why can't you follow others advice, hell, if you don't trust us, even the perfectly correct and up-to-date manpages ? After reading the posts of others, I'm more and more thinking your simply a troll (or a RedHat fanatic wasting Debian helpers time for no reason) ...

That is an insult. I bailed out of fedora 15 years ago, tired to being an always sick lab rat for redhat. Ubuntu which linuxcnc used for one release wasn't a tasty piece of cake, and when linuxcnc jumped to debian at about jessie, it was a whole new ball game. And with bookworm, linuxcnc is scheduled to join the debian repos. Generally speaking, keeping things up to date has become so routine its boring.

Now, if I could figure out why printers, shared om this bullseye machine work perfectly when accessed by a buster machine, but cannot be seen by any other bullseye machine here, debian or armbian. My logs show an auth failure but all are DefaultAthorization Basic. And turning on debugging doesn't tell me anything more useful. Like why... I've managed to get 1 armbian machine trying to connect, but my logs are huge cuz it tries every 11 seconds

Maybe it's a bug in CUPS or w/e soft you're using. Try to find other people having this, or report it as a bug.

Not possible. Michael and I have known each other since the '80's when he was a starving college student. I'll just let it go at that.

I think you should try avahi/bonjour, also known as *zeroconf*.
Maybe it will better handle your network than yourself ...
Sorry to be so harsh, but no one can help someone who does not want to be helped.

That is flat untrue.

Take care & stay well.


Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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