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"(Server) Protocol versions: remote=31, negotiated=31". How to you rsync just certain file extensions? . . .

 The one liner reporting that error is:

  time( sudo rsync --rsync-path="/usr/local/bin/rsync" --debug=ALL
--archive --verbose --compress --recursive  --checksum --include="*/"
--include=".${_X}" --exclude="*" --prune-empty-dirs  "${_SRC}"
"${_DST}"  1> "${_LOG_FL}" 2> "${_ERRS_LOG}" ) >> "${_TM_LOG}" 2>&1

 I found some useful info here:

 but not much of explaning about that particular error.

 You could always go monkey and find those files in the source
directory to then copy them to the destination (after some easy
cooking with the paths), but I think rsync should be able to do that


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