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Re: home server for email box

On 10/3/23 23:52, Henning Follmann wrote:

Well "could" is the best way to describe the chances of this working.

I think the best way too find out:
Check if the ISP will allow you to set the reverse DNS record matching
your chose A record.
If they do, GREAT! If they don't, you most likely will not be happy in the
long run.

All you need to do is generate an SPF record authorising your fixed IP(s) to send mail for your domain(s).

You don't need need to have control over the forward and reverse DNS of the IPs, but it is pretty much required that your ISP has forward and reverse entries for them.

In my case I have a static IPv4 from which much of my mail is sent (too few IPv6 mail servers as yet). I also have an IPv6 /56 range and I authorize a very small part of that range to send mail on my behalf.

You may run into problems if your IP address is in a range that is blacklisted due to some addresses being used to spam. I'm not sure if IPv6 ranges have got into that category as yet.


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