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Re: PDF on debian

On Fri, Mar 10, 2023 at 2:15 AM Linux-Fan <Ma_Sys.ma@web.de> wrote:
Corey Hickman writes:

> Hello,
> What's the suggested PDF generator in Debian (without desktop)?
> And is there a VIM plugin for that?

For cases where I care little about font or formatting, I use VIM's 
integrated hardcopy:

        :ha > /tmp/print.ps
        :!ps2pdf /tmp/print.ps /tmp/print.pdf

Find the printable PDF in /tmp/print.pdf afterwards.

When I want to use a custom font and zoom settings, I follow a 
transformation of Text -> HTML -> wkhtmltopdf using a script (attached as 
`ascii2pdf.sh`). Requires `wkhtmltopdf` and `texlive-fonts-extra` (you can 
avoid that by changing the font file in the script).

To test it, you can run it on itself to produce a file `print.pdf`

        ./ascii2pdf.sh ascii2pdf.sh print.pdf

It even supports colors but the syntax is weird enough such that it is not 
useful without additional documentation (I did not document it yet...).


If I want to convert some excel files to PDF, what's the suggested way? I know I can program with java to implement that, but if there are existing command-line solutions I would like to try them.


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