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Re: is Ansible easy to use?

On Thu, 20 Oct 2022 15:39:23 +0200
Philipp Ewald <philipp.ewald@digionline.de> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> is ansible a easy way to configure customized hosts?
> First try, its super complicated for me.
> Trying to create multiple files with content. It takes more time to
> create the playbook then creating this file by hand (this damn syntax
> acomplicates everything more) Then formatting is destroyed or need
> more time on creating the playbook...
> It is so hard or im so bad?

You might be bad (joke), but so is ansible.

Actually, ansible is a great tool. It's flexible and can do almost
anything. But the learning curve is steep. It's finicky about syntax,
as you noted.

I investigated a few of these packages, particularly ansible, a while
back. When you look at how they work, they mostly operate the same way
underneath all the syntax. I got tired of trying to work all this out
and wrote my own configuration manager in bash, since I'm mostly
familiar with bash syntax.

You can try other alternatives like cfengine, but I suspect ansible is
the most capable.

Worst case, you can write a series of scripts using bash and rsync and
ssh, and accomplish what you want without having to learn a whole new

Of course, if your job is a system administrator and you do this all
the time with a lot of machines, I'd advise fully studying ansible and
using it instead.


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog: http://noferblatz.com
Company Site: http://quillandmouse.com
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