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bindfs for web docroot - is this sane?

Hi all,

I host a few websites, mostly Wordpress.

I prefer to have the site files (mostly) owned by an owner user, and php-fpm runs as a different user, so that it can't write its own code. For uploads, those directories are group-writeable.

Then for site developers (who might be contractors to my client) to be able to update teh site, they need read/write access to the docroot, but I don't want them all logging in using the same account/credentials.

So I've set up bindfs ( https://bindfs.org/ ) with the following fstab line (example at this stage):

/srv/wptest-home/doc_root /home/richard/wptest-home/doc_root fuse.bindfs --force-user=richard,--force-group=richard,--create-for-user=wptest-home,--create-for-group=wptest-home 0 0

That means they can see their own 'view' of the docroot under their own home directory, and they can create files as needed, which will have the correct owner under /srv. I haven't yet looked at what happens with the uploaded and cached files which are owned by the php user; hopefully that works ok.

This means I don't need to worry about sudo and similar things, or chown/chgrp - which in turn means I should be able to offer sftp as an alternative to full ssh logins. It can probably even be chrooted.

Does that sound like a sane plan? Are there gotchas I haven't spotted?


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