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Re: Debian 11: How to disable IPv6

On Sunday, July 10, 2022 06:48:10 PM Andy Smith wrote:
>   Otherwise I'm afraid your claims about IPv6 so far have been quite
>   bizarre, on the level of "IPv6 ate my homework" or "my father was
>   killed by a 128-bit integer", and can't be taken seriously.

From the peanut gallery: I disabled IPv6 quite some time ago.  I don't recall 
how I did it, but I might have that information in my notes, somewhere.

The reason that I disabled it (which might not be totally logical) is that in 
IPv4, I have always had my computers (and LAN) behind a NAT device.  

I could not find (in the searching I did) equivalent functionality for IPv6, so 
I disabled IPv6 in hopes of keeping my systems (fairly) secure.

I'm not sure that makes a lot of sense, and I'm sure [some | many | most | 
maybe almost all] will disagree, especially based on the 128(?)-bit address 
space in IPv6, but that was the reason I disabled IPv6.


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