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Re: Howto convert from blu-ray to usb-stick?


Øyvind Hagen wrote:
> I have first edition of Debian 9.
> I want to convert from Blu-rays to USB-stics to take care of content

I try to understand your situation. Two theories come to me
(if none matches your situation, then please explain it more verbosely):


1: You are running Debian 9 and have some mountable Blu-rays (Debian or
   not) and want to make backups on USB sticks.

Make room on the USB sticks so that they can take all the data from the
Blu-rays. Then mount one Blu-ray after the other and copy its files to
one or more of the USB sticks.
Use for copying whatever program you are accustomed too.


2: You have Debian Blu-ray media and want to copy them to USB sticks
   which shall work like the Blu-rays.

Copy the plain data on the Blu-rays plainly to the respective USB sticks.

E.g. with a Blu-ray in drive /dev/sr0 and a USB stick at /dev/sdX

  sudo dd if=/dev/sr0 bs=1M of=/dev/sdX

The first USB stick will boot and provide a Debian package repository
out of the box.
For using the other USB sticks as additional repositories, you will
probably have to mention them in
of the freshly installed base system.
Others on this mailing list are probably more qualified to describe
what is needed for this.

If you have a USB stick which can take the files of all three ISOs
(~ 70 GiB), you could become test pilot for
which is my proposal to resolve
  "WISHLIST: Offical ALL-IN-ONE images?"

(You'd copy the Blu-rays as images to hard disk, run the script, and get
an all-in-one ISO which you put onto the USB stick as described here.
Give me a note if you are interested in details.)

General warning:

Being superuser and copying plainly to a /dev/sdX is somewhat dangerous.
One wrong character in the device name and one of your SATA disks gets
overwritten by the ISO. (Lucky are those who only have /dev/nvme*

Ubuntu advises Balena Etcher for safer copying. But i don't know whether
it would accept /dev/sr0 as input.

I myself would use my own offer to avoid shooting anybody's foot:

  xorriso-dd-target -with_sudo -plug_test -DO_WRITE -image_file /dev/sr0

It will refuse to overwrite USB sticks which already hold other filesystems
than ISO 9660 or FAT. But it can make proposals for commands which you
may perform manually to get the job done. See


> and also the USB-stick do not making damaging of the disc.

Do you fear to damage the Blu-ray media by reading them ?

Unless it's a Pioneer BDR-S09 drive and Verbatim BD-RE media, i see no such
risk. (Said combination is good for a dozen full reads at 10x BD speed
before the BD-RE medium gets cracks at the inner hole. After a few more runs
the BD-RE becomes unreadable.)

Have a nice day :)


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