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apache2 exited when accessing to type-map wrapped CGI

Hi, I recently upgraded my server from Debian 10 to 11 and encountered a
problem where apache2 crashed when a URL to type-map without ".var"
suffix was getting accessed.

I created a small example using Docker and put on GitHub so that
everyone could easily reproduce this problem.


* Steps to reproduce *

1. Clone the repo into somewhere
2. Run `docker-compose build`
3. Run `docker-compose up`
4. Access to http://localhost:8081/board.cgi with your web browser
5. In a few seconds, the process is terminated.

You'll see errors in the log file like below:

[Thu Sep 29 18:32:42.176871 2022] [cgid:error] [pid 209665] (104)Connection reset by peer: AH01248: Error reading request on cgid socket
[Thu Sep 29 18:32:42.177025 2022] [cgid:error] [pid 209704] [client ***.***.***.***:53380] End of script output before headers: board.cgi
[Thu Sep 29 18:32:43.161802 2022] [cgid:error] [pid 209664] AH01239: cgid daemon process died, restarting
[Thu Sep 29 18:32:44.170387 2022] [mpm_prefork:emerg] [pid 209706] (22)Invalid argument: AH00144: couldn't grab the accept mutex
[Thu Sep 29 18:32:45.170296 2022] [core:alert] [pid 209664] AH00050: Child 209706 returned a Fatal error... Apache is exiting!

Please tell me if there is something I can/should do for reporting it to
the bug tracking system. I'm not sure what package is causing the

Shintaro Sakahara <skhrshin@flokart.world>

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