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Re: Ubiquity 500G NVR

David wrote: 
> Good Afternoon,
> I wonder if any body has any experience with The Ubiquity 500G NVR, I'm
> trying to re-build one for myself and failing.
> It's based on Debian 7, which is my first problem, installing Debian 7
> is not a problem, getting /etc/apt/sources.list correct is a problem.
> Then the instructions say to add the MongoDB and Ubiquiti repos to
> /etc/apt/sources.list
> The two lines to be added are:-
> deb http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/debian-sysvinit dist 10gen
> deb http://www.ubnt.com/downloads/unifi/debian stable ubiquiti
> They both seem to be out of date, can you help me with the working
> lines?

The first problem with Ubiquiti is that they ship a

The second problem with Ubiquiti is that they have routinely
(and may still be) violated the GPL.

The third problem is that they don't support their old systems.

MongoDB's debian repo only supports Buster and Stretch; they
don't have a 7 or 11 repo.

I would say you are probably out of luck here.


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