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Re: wxWidget - destination directory

Amn wrote: 
> I'd like to setup wxWidget, whatever the newest version is today (WTNVIT),
> in my Debian 11 box using CMake, what would be a good destination directory?
> Thanks in advance.
> PS
> I'm new to *nix OS and don't know much about Linux file structure, but what
> I do know is that Linux does not like random file structures as in MS OS.

Your home directory is yours: create any structure you want in

If you want a complex application to be shared with other users
on the machine, /opt is for that. Create a subdirectory and proceed.

If you want a separation of OS-installed and local libraries and
binaries, you can use /usr/local -- it should already have 
bin/  etc/  games/  include/  lib/  man/  share/  src/
created for you.

There's an optional advanced version of this through the GNU
stow package.

Finally, if you want to delve into the packaging system, you can
create a .deb package for installing and uninstalling your work


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