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Re: mailman3 hyperkitty_import reports sqlite3.OperationalError

Andy Smith apparently wrote:

> ...
> My process looked like this:

> $ sudo -u list mailman import21 ${listname}@${mailman_host} /path/to/${listname}/config.pck
> $ sudo -u www-data /usr/share/mailman3-web/manage.py hyperkitty_import -l ${listname}@${mailman_host}  /path/to/archives/private/${listname}.mbox/${listname}.mbox
> $ sudo -u www-data /usr/share/mailman3-web/manage.py update_index_one_list -v3 ${listname}@${mailman_host}
> ...

Mr. Smith, thank you for your helpful and informative reply.  This was very clarifying.  

May I have your permission to submit a bug on README.Debian that includes or derives from those three lines?  (getting permission to use other's work)  I would also add a sentence or two explaining that these were template commands to migrate a list from Mailman2 to Mailman3.

Trying to run manage.py as user list was a definite mistake on my part.  Using the second and third commands worked for me.  Now I need to find out how to delete a mailing list from Mailman3 and from django, so that I can practice again.  And how to install and configure Xapian for Mailman3/django.

I was already using Postgresql, so that part is good.


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