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Re: fluxbox partial installation (SOLVED)

On 4/2/22, Haines Brown <haines@histomat.net> wrote:
> Thank you. The problem turned out to be that my hostname somehow
> changed. It was originally <hostname> but then it became
> <hostname>-10.  The only way I can account for this is my senility
> (87).

This is my third email attempt at this. I started to say that sounds
odd. I initially wandered off on a tangent about partition labels
doing that to me within Thunar file manager.

THEN I remembered that Puppy Linux CDs revolve the hostname's value.
Maybe that's what is going on here? My searches for a how-to aren't
fruitful and are only being shown how to create a dynamic DNS server
and IP address.

As an unrelated aside, I think I just figured out one way that
people's emails don't always show up in the archives nor on the list.
I had deleted this thread's "reply to" email addresses so I didn't
accidentally send too early. Then I saved my response and walked away.

When I came back, I wanted to see if anyone else had an answer before
I tweaked mine and sent it. At that point, Gmail has your draft
sitting in a little box underneath the email you're targeting.

I finished my original response sitting in that box and sent it. When
I next deleted Haines' original email, my leftover suddenly didn't
have a filing label on it. That's because it only went to me and not
to Debian-User. When I hit "reply to all" to test it, the fields were
blank. That was the ah-ha moment.

Hope that made sense such that the next time someone's email
disappears, maybe that scenario can be checked off their list, too.
Just try hitting "reply to all" on the one that disappeared and see
what happens.

Cindy :)
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
* runs with birdseed *

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