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Re: Install BIOVIA_2021.DS2021client

On 28.03.2022 23:33, Stephen P. Molnar wrote:
Has anyone managed the installation of the BIOVIA_2021.DS2021client?

Thanks in advance
-- Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D. www.molecular-modeling.net 614.312.7528 (c) Skype: smolnar1
Out of pure curiosity, I've managed to run this proprietary application¹ on Debian 11, but to make it happen I had to manually unpack and "install" it, and also implement a few hacks. Installer scripts don't work and were poorly tested, also this software depends on outdated "libpng15.so.15" dynamic library which is not in Debian repos anymore. So it is possible to run it, but there is no guarantee how this ugly mess of a software will work after manual "installation" and I suggest you to ask for updated version from the developers. It makes sense, at least because they ask money for a license, even though AFAICS it could be used as "free" viewer/editor. There are also community forums² exist for this application, so you probably better to ask for assistance there.

¹ https://imgur.com/a/zBoDwRO
² https://www.3ds.com/products-services/biovia/communities/

With kindest regards, Alexander.

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