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Re: website

On Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 12:16 PM Nicholas Geovanis <nickgeovanis@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 11:28 AM lina <lina.lastname@gmail.com> wrote:

Does anybody know what is the cost range to build the website for a lab? including all,
basically layout is
research | people | publication

Consider using cloud services for a smaller more-static website. If "lab" means, say, US government-funded 
lab, depending on the agency they have internal clouds. But AWS or Google cloud could have you a small webserver
for US$50 per month or less, with global connectivity. You can usually pay for network activity incrementally.
You can choose Debian-based VMs if you want but more and more cloud services are true software-as-a-service,
not necessarily discrete VMs that you choose a linux distribution for, size for RAM and virtual disk, etc.
If you choose AWS EC2 linux VMs, they have several distros available pre-built, including their own, which is lean and fast.   

I should have added:
For incremental cost, you can do things in the cloud that are basically impossible on your own.
For example, you can have AWS cloud cache your web-content at the edge of their networks, without really
doing any work on your servers. Point-and-click to reduce web client roundtrip time by 75%, say. You have 
essentially infinite backup space for pennies. You can script the creation of your web server, and a hot-backup 
web server, their backup storage, including installation of every piece of software, all system and network 
config: and then duplicate it identically in a different country with another point-and-click, done in 15 minutes.
Thanks for your help,

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