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Re: Request free live CD

On 2022-02-10 21:25, Celejar wrote:
I do understand and agree with this, but my point was that we (at least
the more helpful of us) on this list are perfectly willing to freely
give of our time to help others, so why would we (at least those of us
fortunate enough to have disposable income to spare) not be willing to
give of our money as well to help others who need it?

This does bring up two related points:

1. When you give time to help someone else it generally helps you too.

In the sense that if you help out on this mailing list, trying to figure out how to help solve other people's problems, you learn about solutions that can be helpful to you as well. And you learn more about how systems work in general.

If you maintain a package or write free software, it's generally packages or software that you yourself would find useful.

When it comes to money, it often does not help you. Burning a live CD and mailing it to someone else, involves both time and money but doesn't help you.

2. In this specific scenario of live CD, there's an element of the saying, give someone a fish and you feed them for a day, teach them how to fish and you feed them for a lifetime.

So you send this CD and they run or install the current version of the OS. Later on their system breaks down or they get a new one, or they want the next version of the OS, and what do they do then?


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