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Re: Why is Debian not telling the truth about its security fixes?


On 2022-01-23 23:26, max wrote:
> January 22, 2022 3:51:28 PM CET "Andrew M.A. Cater" <amacater@einval.com> wrote:
>> Debian does fix security problems 
> The question is when: 0 days or 6 months after the CVE announcement? I mean, if you need 6 months, that's fine. Just don't claim that you do it in 0 days. That's dishonest. Does this make sense?
>> Debian can feel free to set its own ratings 
> But you can't call them "NVD severity", because NVD refers to the National Vulnerability Database. They do their own analysis of vulnerabilities, that some people find trustworthy. You can't just make up your own numbers and claim that they are the NVD ratings. That name is taken.
>> You use the term falsehood - as if [all of] Debian were consistently lying to all its users. 
> Debian is an organization. It's publishing certain statements on its web site that are false. How the misdeeds of an organization are shared among its members is an interesting philosophical question, but I don't believe I opined on it.

For a new user it's quite odd that you don't have much positive to say
about using Debian and seem more interested in the management and the
organization than in really using the software.

Don't you have real life question ? Any technical problem that need some
help ?

Maybe you shall start your own blog about the subject you raise because
I don't see much people sharing your interest. The only answer you raise
are one reminding you of false and misinterpretation.

If you are not happy with the service provided may I suggest you start
searching for something better and please don't share it with us.

Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
-Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

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