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Re: Mutt can not delete mails

Am Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 2021, 16:48:20 CEST schrieb David Wright:

Thank you for all the help! First of all, I checked, if there is a nuttrc in my ~/HOME, but there is none. But there is a Muttrc (yes, with capital letter) below /etc, so I suppose this takes the control.

However, I never changed this, but maybe there is a configuration issue.

The issue I described in my mails appeared in earlier times (one or tw years ago), and then after an updgrade everything worked fine. After a new upgrade (about 1 or 1,5 years ago), I remarked that issue again (I am not sure, but I think, I even wrote a bugreport on it, as I was sure, this was a bug).

Since then there was no change, but it could be, that my existing /etc/Muttrc is bad, so that as an upgrade does not ovwerwrite a config file, the bug is in there. There is nothing secret, this is the content of my /etc/Muttrc:


# System configuration file for Mutt


# Default list of header fields to weed when displaying.

# Ignore all lines by default...

ignore *

# ... then allow these through.

unignore from: subject to cc date x-mailer x-url user-agent

# Display the fields in this order

hdr_order date from to cc subject

# emacs-like bindings

bind editor    "\e<delete>"    kill-word

bind editor    "\e<backspace>" kill-word

# map delete-char to a sane value

bind editor     <delete>  delete-char

# some people actually like these settings

#set pager_stop

#bind pager <up> previous-line

#bind pager <down> next-line

# Specifies how to sort messages in the index menu.

set sort=threads

# The behavior of this option on the Debian mutt package is

# not the original one because exim4, the default SMTP on Debian

# does not strip bcc headers so this can cause privacy problems;

# see man muttrc for more info

#unset write_bcc

# Postfix and qmail use Delivered-To for detecting loops

unset bounce_delivered

set mixmaster="mixmaster-filter"

# System-wide CA file managed by the ca-certificates package

set ssl_ca_certificates_file="/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"

# imitate the old search-body function

macro index \eb "<search>~b " "search in message bodies"

# simulate the old url menu

macro index,pager,attach,compose \cb "\

<enter-command> set my_pipe_decode=\$pipe_decode pipe_decode<Enter>\

<pipe-message> urlview<Enter>\

<enter-command> set pipe_decode=\$my_pipe_decode; unset my_pipe_decode<Enter>" \

"call urlview to extract URLs out of a message"

# Show documentation when pressing F1

macro generic,pager <F1> "<shell-escape> zcat /usr/share/doc/mutt/manual.txt.gz | sensible-pager<enter>" "show Mutt documentation"

# show the incoming mailboxes list (just like "mutt -y") and back when pressing "y"

# note: these macros have been subsumed by the <browse-mailboxes> function.

# macro index y "<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "show incoming mailboxes list"

# macro pager y "<exit><change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "show incoming mailboxes list"

bind browser y exit

# Handler for gzip compressed mailboxes

# open-hook   '\.gz$'  "gzip -cd  '%f' >  '%t'"

# close-hook  '\.gz$'  "gzip -c   '%t' >  '%f'"

# append-hook '\.gz$'  "gzip -c   '%t' >> '%f'"

# If Mutt is unable to determine your site's domain name correctly, you can

# set the default here. (better: fix /etc/mailname)


# set hostname=cs.hmc.edu

# If your sendmail supports the -B8BITMIME flag, enable the following


# set use_8bitmime

# Use mime.types to look up handlers for application/octet-stream. Can

# be undone with unmime_lookup.

mime_lookup application/octet-stream

# Upgrade the progress counter every 250ms, good for mutt over SSH

# see http://bugs.debian.org/537746

set time_inc=250

# Allow mutt to understand References, Cc and In-Reply-To as headers in mailto:

mailto_allow = cc in-reply-to references





## Please see the manual (section "attachments")  for detailed

## documentation of the "attachments" command.


## Removing a pattern from a list removes that pattern literally. It

## does not remove any type matching the pattern.


##  attachments   +A */.*

##  attachments   +A image/jpeg

##  unattachments +A */.*


## This leaves "attached" image/jpeg files on the allowed attachments

## list. It does not remove all items, as you might expect, because the

## second */.* is not a matching _expression_ at this time.


## Remember: "unattachments" only undoes what "attachments" has done!

## It does not trigger any matching on actual messages.

## Qualify any MIME part with an "attachment" disposition, EXCEPT for

## text/x-vcard and application/pgp parts. (PGP parts are already known

## to mutt, and can be searched for with ~g, ~G, and ~k.)


## I've added x-pkcs7 to this, since it functions (for S/MIME)

## analogously to PGP signature attachments. S/MIME isn't supported

## in a stock mutt build, but we can still treat it specially here.


attachments   +A */.*

attachments   -A text/x-vcard application/pgp.*

attachments   -A application/x-pkcs7-.*

## Discount all MIME parts with an "inline" disposition, unless they're

## text/plain. (Why inline a text/plain part unless it's external to the

## message flow?)


attachments   +I text/plain


## These two lines make Mutt qualify MIME containers.  (So, for example,

## a message/rfc822 forward will count as an attachment.)  The first

## line is unnecessary if you already have "attach-allow */.*", of

## course.  These are off by default!  The MIME elements contained

## within a message/* or multipart/* are still examined, even if the

## containers themselves don't qualify.


#attachments  +A message/.* multipart/.*

#attachments  +I message/.* multipart/.*

## You probably don't really care to know about deleted attachments.

attachments   -A message/external-body

attachments   -I message/external-body


# See /usr/share/doc/mutt/README.Debian for details.

source /usr/lib/mutt/source-muttrc.d|

Sorry, it is long.

Anything unusual?



> On Thu 28 Oct 2021 at 10:33:58 (-0400), Greg Wooledge wrote:

> > I'm wondering, in particular, if there is some setting in mutt that

> > tells it to attempt to delete the inbox file if it reaches 0 messages,

> > and that perhaps you've enabled it.  If so, you'll want to disable it.


> That /would/ be a bug, because:


>  3.257. save_empty


>  Type: boolean

>  Default: yes


>  When unset, mailboxes which contain no saved messages will be removed when

>  closed (the exception is $spoolfile which is never removed). If set,

> mailboxes ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑

>  are never removed.


>  Note: This only applies to mbox and MMDF folders, Mutt does not delete MH

> and Maildir directories.


> Unless, that is, the OP has an unusual idea of what a $spoolfile is.


> Cheers,

> David.

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