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Re: Persistent names for audio devices.

    From: ghe2001 <ghe2001@protonmail.com>
    Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2021 17:24:57 +0000
> Try alsamixer.  You can select the audio device there.  It works for my


>From the alsamixer manual, 
       alsamixer is an ncurses mixer program for use with the  ALSA  soundcard
       drivers. It supports multiple soundcards with multiple devices."

A terminal with an ncurses display is necessary to listen to an audio message?

Now that the PCI sound card is gone, disambiguation appears to be unnecessary.
This command works. 
play a42.WAV

Something odd in the sox manual.
       -d, --default-device
              This  can  be  used  in  place of an input or output filename to
              specify that the default audio device (if  one  has  been  built
              into  SoX)  is to be used.  This is akin to invoking rec or play
              (as described above).

What is the sense in telling a software to use a default?  In absence of 
an output specification, what else would be used?

peter@joule:/home/peter$ sox  /home/peter/a42.WAV /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c
sox FAIL formats: can't determine type of `/dev/snd/pcmC0D0c'

Can sox specify a sound device for output? 

Thx,                 ... P.

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