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Re: Debian 11: Unable to detect wireless interface on an old laptop computer

On Mon, Sep 27, 2021 at 09:01:32PM +0200, Stella Ashburne wrote:
> Hello Henning,
> Thanks for your reply.
> nmcli is from the package network-manager, yes? If it is, I'd prefer not to install it. Why? Many VPN providers/vendors recommend against using Network Manager to connect to OpenVPN servers because the former is buggy and leaks details about the user.

Oh boy.

Yes, nmcli is the command line interface to the network-manager service.

"Many VPN providers" - that is so vague, I do not even know what to say to that.
However "many VPN provider" are full of $#!1 and mainly use FUD to sell their "service",
which in most cases will not provide you what you would expect.
If you use VPN services for privacy purposes, you will be discusted by some of these
provider's TOS. They basically collect and sell your connection data to data brokers
as much as your ISP they promise to protect you from. But I degress.

And N-M is not "buggy". It is IMO one of the better way for the general PC user
to manage their physical connections.
I however have never used it to set up openvpn or wireguard. I use both currently,
but will most likely phase out openvpn.

> I just came to know that there is a much better wireless daemon called iwd. On the internet it's said that iwd performs better and faster than the tradition wpasupplicant. What's more iwd was conceptualized by someone at Intel.

Never used iwd, can't comment.

> If you do know how to make changes to the settings of iwd configuration files, I wish to seek your help. You see, I'd to learn how to make use of this wonderful new technology. I have googled the internet and most of them don't provide detailed tutorials on how to set up for a home user. Sure, for example on ArchLinux's wiki pages, there are tutorials on how to set EAP-TTLS etc. I don't even know what EAP-TTLS stands for.

Then it's  great that you can use it :P. Like M. Ali said: "I maybe do not know what I am talking about, but I am right!"

> Some of the links that I have surfed to are the following:
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Iwd
> https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/477488/connect-to-wifi-from-command-line-on-linux-systems-through-the-iwd-wireless-dae
> https://docs.voidlinux.org/config/network/iwd.html


Henning Follmann           | hfollmann@itcfollmann.com

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