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Re: Make wider selectable edge in Mate windows

Em 19/09/2021 01:50, David Wright escreveu:
> On Sun 19 Sep 2021 at 10:22:24 (+0800), Jeremy Ardley wrote:
>> On 19/9/21 9:55 am, Dedeco Balaco wrote:
>>> Em 18/09/2021 22:42, Jeremy Ardley escreveu:
>>>> I'm running Mate on Debian 10.
>>>> The problem is that the width of the window edge that you pull to change
>>>> the size of a window seems to be only 1 pixel wide.
>>>> I've heard of this problem in gnome along with some fixes, but I've not
>>>> found any solution for Mate.
>>>> Suggestions?
>>> I also use Mate. Until a few days ago, I was in Debian 9. Now, i updated
>>> to Debian 11. Most things in Mate are basically the same, for me.
>>> The issue with 1 pixel borders is not for every window. Mate terminal
>>> has wider lines to resize it; Thunderbird 52 too; Pluma too; gcalculator
>>> too; vim too; Telegram too; snes9x too; vivaldi too.
>>> In my opinion, there are *bad programs* that do not build their window
>>> with best practices. I have seen a program that has 1 pixel borders, but
>>> has bigger corners to resize the window. Have you tried the corners? I
>>> do not remember which program it was. All i tested, right now, are good
>>> with their borders.
>> Testing a few just now, Mate Terminal, Thunderbird, Google Chrome all
>> have the 1 pixel border, even in the corner.
>> My Mate version is 1.20.4 but this problem has been around for
>> versions as long as I remember.
> Perhaps it's in the themes? I've never used Mate, but
> I downloaded bullseye mate-themes, and see files like
> /usr/share/themes/Green-Submarine/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml:
> $ head -n 24 metacity-theme-1.xml 
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!--    $Id: metacity-theme-1.xml,v 1.4 2003/12/10 13:57:58 jimmac Exp $         -->
> <metacity_theme>
> <info>
>   <name>Green-Submarine</name>
>   <author>Wolfgang Ulbrich</author>
>   <copyright>&#194; 2013</copyright>
>   <date>Apil, 2013</date>
>   <description>Dark theme based on Gilouche legacy.</description>
>   <!-- based on the Gilouche theme -->
> </info>
> <frame_geometry name="normal" rounded_top_left="true" rounded_top_right="true" rounded_bottom_left="false" rounded_bottom_right="false">
>   <distance name="left_width" value="1"/>
>   <distance name="right_width" value="1"/>
>   <distance name="bottom_height" value="1"/>
>   <distance name="left_titlebar_edge" value="4"/>
>   <distance name="right_titlebar_edge" value="4"/>
>   <aspect_ratio name="button" value="1"/>
>   <distance name="title_vertical_pad" value="1"/>
>   <border name="title_border" left="1" right="1" top="2" bottom="3"/>
>   <border name="button_border" left="1" right="1" top="4" bottom="2"/>
> </frame_geometry>
> $ 
> whereas /usr/share/themes/TraditionalGreen/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml:
> $ head -n 24 metacity-theme-1.xml 
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!--    $Id$     -->
> <metacity_theme>
> <info>
>         <name>TraditionalGreen</name>
>         <author>Wolfgang Ulbrich &lt;chat-to-me@raveit.de&gt;</author>
>         <copyright>&#194; 2013 Wolfgang Ulbrich</copyright>
>         <date>March, 2013</date>
>         <description>The Traditional Green Metacity Theme</description>
> </info>
> <!-- ::: GEOMETRY ::: -->
> <frame_geometry name="normal" rounded_top_left="true" rounded_top_right="true" rounded_bottom_left="false" rounded_bottom_right="false">
>         <distance name="left_width" value="4"/>
>         <distance name="right_width" value="4"/>
>         <distance name="bottom_height" value="4"/>
>         <distance name="left_titlebar_edge" value="4"/>
>         <distance name="right_titlebar_edge" value="4"/>
>         <aspect_ratio name="button" value="1.0"/>
>         <distance name="title_vertical_pad" value="0"/>
>         <border name="title_border" left="2" right="2" top="4" bottom="3"/>
>         <border name="button_border" left="1" right="1" top="2" bottom="2"/>
> </frame_geometry>
> $ 
> "4 is greater than 1".
> So perhaps confirm whether this is the answer by changing themes,
> and then see whether you can modify your own theme, either the
> "official" way or by hacking it. Of course, hacking it might
> require a self-consistent set of changes further down the file. (Or
> files: I have no idea of the significance of metacity-theme-[1-3].xml)

My theme is a personalized one. I can give information about it, Jeremy.
Just tell me what and how.

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