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Re: A bug in Vim, in Mate Terminal or in Debian 11?

I did not leap any release. I did everything correctly, step by step.

The issue is not being reprodutible. I do not find a clear condition to
make it happen. Searching about your suggestion, I found that vim has a
few very important arguments, where 2 of them interest me a lot, to
isolate this issue (I guess):

$ vim -u NORC     # does not load any RC file, global or user's

$ vim -u NONE     # does not load any RC file, and also no plugin

More information can be found in vim man page, and inside vim:

:h initialization

Em 18/09/2021 22:27, Jeremy Hendricks escreveu:
> Generally it’s not recommended to leap frog over releases and you should
> upgrade in order (Ex. From 9 to 10). I suspect you might need to delete
> some of the config files in your home directory (rename them it .bak) as
> the version of vim, etc might be considerable different from 9 to 11 and
> might have odd results. I’d recommend first renaming .vimrc to
> .vimrc.bak and see if that fixes it.
> The next step might be to rename the config files for the mate-terminal
> and test to see if it’s fixed.
> On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 9:15 PM Dedeco Balaco <dedeco.balaco@yahoo.com
> <mailto:dedeco.balaco@yahoo.com>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     I recently upgraded my Debian 9 to Debian 11. But there are strange
>     or wrong things happening right now, that did not exist before.
>     My window manager is Mate Desktop. The terminal i most use is its
>     own. And i use vim a lot, and i basically never use gvim, i prefer
>     it through a terminal window.
>     Each mate-terminal window can have several tabs in it. I use this
>     feature a lot too. Each tab has its own title, which works pretty
>     fine. There are several programs that change the title shown while
>     they run.
>     Vim is one of these programs. While it is running, the terminal
>     title shows the name of the file currently being edited, and the
>     number of files that was opened with it, when it was launched.
>     After the upgrade, when i quit vim, the terminal title becomes
>     empty, instead of returning to the default title "Terminal".
>     Why is this happening? A bug in Vim? In mate-terminal? Or in Debian 11?

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