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Re: A bug in Vim, in Mate Terminal or in Debian 11?

Generally it’s not recommended to leap frog over releases and you should upgrade in order (Ex. From 9 to 10). I suspect you might need to delete some of the config files in your home directory (rename them it .bak) as the version of vim, etc might be considerable different from 9 to 11 and might have odd results. I’d recommend first renaming .vimrc to .vimrc.bak and see if that fixes it.

The next step might be to rename the config files for the mate-terminal and test to see if it’s fixed.

On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 9:15 PM Dedeco Balaco <dedeco.balaco@yahoo.com> wrote:


I recently upgraded my Debian 9 to Debian 11. But there are strange or wrong things happening right now, that did not exist before.

My window manager is Mate Desktop. The terminal i most use is its own. And i use vim a lot, and i basically never use gvim, i prefer it through a terminal window.

Each mate-terminal window can have several tabs in it. I use this feature a lot too. Each tab has its own title, which works pretty fine. There are several programs that change the title shown while they run.

Vim is one of these programs. While it is running, the terminal title shows the name of the file currently being edited, and the number of files that was opened with it, when it was launched.

After the upgrade, when i quit vim, the terminal title becomes empty, instead of returning to the default title "Terminal".

Why is this happening? A bug in Vim? In mate-terminal? Or in Debian 11?

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