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Re: Can surf the internet, but not my home network...

Am Mittwoch, 15. September 2021, 16:41:21 CEST schrieb nimrod:

got the same problem, when the ethernet interface is up, too and I am on wifi.
This a problem with the gateway settings. 

My solution is remove the kernel module (in my case it is ath5k.ko, as it is 
an Atheros card). Removing it with "rmmod ath5k", and when I need to use it 
again, I restart it using "modprobe ath5k".

If you are wired connected, you can try "ifconfig eth0 down" or whatever your 
ethernet card is named (could be something like enp0s10 or similar, if you are 
using predictable names).

Hope this helps.



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