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Re: Issues with Bullseye

Op 15-08-2021 om 16:51 schreef Hans:
Am Sonntag, 15. August 2021, 16:36:05 CEST schrieb Brian:
Yes, you are very right!

There isn't any such thing as being "too critical" when it comes to
technical matters :).

A link to the page you were looking at might help.

To everyone:

I have still the problem, that the debian/bullsye repo can not be
authenticated. Copying the Release.gpg from the repo to
/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ did not help.

That doesn't surprise me. That's a signature, not a key.

It would really help, if there could be an upgraded debian-archive-keyring
package or a little documentation, how to add/import the keys into
trusted.gpg.d/ since apt-key does not work any more.

Simply copying does not work(!) and the documentation really lacks some
information, which would help.

Simply copying works, if you use the correct file. If the key is
armored, make sure the extension is .asc. Otherwise it should be .gpg.

But downloading an up-to-date version (2021.1.1) of
debian-archive-keyring and installing that (using dpkg -i if necessary -
see below for a direct url) should suffice.



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