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Re: Bash script problem

On Wed, Aug 04, 2021 at 08:47:30PM -0700, Gary L. Roach wrote:
> Thanks for the help but I still have the problem of the if statement
> always being true. This time I enclosed the file so you can test it.

Please, don't top quote. It confuses the hell out of me.

Now, I think in your script

  if test A="0 ;  "

should read

  if test "$A" = "0 ;  "

or, in the square bracket version:

  if [ "$A" = "0 ;  " ]

Basically, I'm repeating what Greg wrote, in somewhat other words. Greg's
mails are worth being read twice or three times.

Look carefully. Note a couple of things:

** white spaces around the "=":
   `test' and its fancy cousin `[' are regular programs [1] invoked
   by the shell: what follows are arguments which get interpreted by
   `test', in this case, the args are "$A", = and "0 ;  ", i.e. the
   first arg, an operator (=) and the second arg. As always in the
   shell, the args HAVE TO BE SEPARATED BY WHITESPACE (huh sorry for
   raising my voice :)

** shell is not your regular php
   the shell's power (and strangeness) derives from its text replacement
   model. You have to bear that in mind. When the shell processes a
   line, it does text replacements until it thinks it's ready, then
   it invokes the command (typically a binary somewhere in $PATH, but
   it can be a builtin, an alias or a function). In your case:

     if test "$A" = "0 ;  "

   transforms to

     if test "0 ;  " = "0 ;  "

   ...so the binary `test' gets to see three args (due to the quotes).
   It dutily finishes with exit code 0, meaning "okidoki".

** watch those quotes
   this follows a bit from the above. Imagine what happens if you lose
   the quotes around "$A":

     if test $A = "0 ;  "

   now transforms to

     if test 0 ;   = "0 ;  "

   Now test sees *four* arguments: "0", ";", "=" and "0 ;  ". this
   confuses the hell out of it and it balks at you:

     bash: test: too many arguments

Shell programming is a tad different than Python, Perl, Ruby or what
you have. The textual replacement model takes some thought, but it
rewards you (as long as you use shells for what they were meant to).

I hope that gets you on track :)

And oh, in things shell, read Greg's mails. Perhaps also his wiki [2].


[1] Nowadays this is a little white lie: most shells have them
   as builtins, but they are supposed to behave like regular
   programs, for compat. There /is/ a /bin/test, but I can't
   find a /bin/[ on my system anymore.

[2] https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide/

-- tomás

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