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Re: Un/Safe mixtures for Debian releases and suites [was: Re: Vulkan with Radeon RX 5700 XT]

On 2021-07-10 at 14:18, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

> On Sb, 10 iul 21, 06:51:43, Brian Thompson wrote:
>> On Sat, 2021-07-10 at 13:43 +0200, tv.debian@googlemail.com wrote:
>>> Hi, Debian unstable with bits of experimental here
>> Is it (usually) wise to intermix different suites?
> It depends :)
> In my opinion I'd say the order from less to more dangerous would
> be:
> 1. stable + select packages from stable-backports

> 2. oldstable + select packages from oldstable-backports-sloppy

> 3. testing + select packages from unstable

> 4. unstable + select packages from experimental

I'm a little surprised to see that you don't even mention the mix which
I've been running for the last decade-plus: stable + testing, which
works out to testing + select packages from stable (the ones which are
no longer available in testing).

Do you consider that to be so dangerous as to not even be worth mentioning?

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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