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Btrfs scrub going past 100%


I run regular btrfs scrubs through btrfsmaintenance on my disk array without issues. This time, though, the scrub percentage went over 100%. I kept it running so that I can file a bug if this is one.

Which package do I file this against? I believe it's in the Linux kernel not btrfs-progs, but I thought I would ask since I'm new to this.

Below is the scrub status:-

user@pc ] sudo btrfs scrub status /mnt/SA1/
UUID:             xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
Scrub started:    Thu Jul  1 00:03:28 2021
Status:           running
Duration:         35:08:10
Time left:        0:38:00
ETA:              Fri Jul  2 11:49:38 2021
Total to scrub:   29.07TiB
Bytes scrubbed:   28.56TiB  (98.23%)
Rate:             236.75MiB/s
Error summary:    no errors found
user@pc ] sudo btrfs scrub status /mnt/SA1/
UUID:             xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
Scrub started:    Thu Jul  1 00:03:28 2021
Status:           running
Duration:         37:13:49
Time left:        21358913:01:19
ETA:              Mon Feb 11 06:18:36 4458
Total to scrub:   29.08TiB
Bytes scrubbed:   29.24TiB  (100.56%)
Rate:             228.79MiB/s
Error summary:    no errors found


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