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Re: Is invoking the -locker option of xautolock to run a script known? Could I be helped with an xautolock code line please?

On Sun, Jun 13, 2021 at 06:10:23PM +0530, Susmita/Rajib wrote:
> But I need to run the script file with xautolock.

So, let me see if I understand you.  You rambled so much that it's
really not clear what you're asking.  But if I'm reading this
sentence right, you have a shell script that requires a terminal
to work, because you prompt the user for input and then read input
from the terminal.

And now you would like to run this script as a child of xautolock,
which I'm guessing is a pure X11 client program, and does not run
inside a terminal.

Well, that's just a non-starter.  Throw the shell script away, and
write a new program that doesn't require a terminal to do its work.
This could be achieved in shell by using some tool that interacts
with the user without a terminal -- say, zenity or something.  Or, you
could abandon the shell entrely, and write a Tcl/Tk application instead.

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