Re: what program sets up /run/user/1000/ ?
On Fri, Jun 04, 2021 at 07:38:46AM -0400, songbird wrote:
> # ls -l /run/user/1000
> ls: cannot access '/run/user/1000/doc': Permission denied
> total 4
> srw-rw-rw- 1 frog frog 0 Jun 4 07:06 bus
> drwx------ 3 frog frog 60 Jun 4 07:06 dbus-1
> drwx------ 2 frog frog 60 Jun 4 07:06 dconf
> d????????? ? ? ? ? ? doc
Didn't we *just* have this exact same discussion?
At least you showed the shell prompt and the command that you ran,
which is a huge improvement over the previous iteration, where we
were left guessing at *so* many things. Thank you for that.
In your case, because you were competent enough to show the shell prompt
along with your command, we know that you ran this ls as *root*, not
as user 1000. That's why you can't see it. Only user 1000 can see it.
Here's (the start of) the previous discussion thread:
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