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Re: Create Live image from installed Debian?

Am Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2021, 07:35:38 CEST schrieb Kristian Rink:
Maybe bootcd is that what you need. Take a look at it.
It creates a bootable ISO and you can restore from this ISO.

However, your ISO must fit on DVD, CD or BlueRay. I did not test it, but maybe 
the ISO can be installed ión an USB-Stick, too, so your bootable system may 
fit on it. If this workls, that should also work with USB-harddrives.

God luck!


> Folks;
> been playing with MX Linux lately on a virtual machine and enjoyed its
> "snapshot" feature which apparently allows for creating a bootable /
> installable Live image of my installed system.
> As I usually configure and tweak my Debian systems a bit, too,
> especially for desktop purposes, I wonder: Is something like that
> available for Debian too? How to do so best, if at all?
> Thanks in advance and best regards,
> Kristian

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