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Re: Google vs. DDG

>> FWIW, I'm pretty sure that such anectodal evidence is of no importance
>> because you can also come up with examples where the situation
>> is reversed.
> Can you?

I meant "you" in a very general sense: I'm pretty sure it's possible,
but no, I haven't done the necessary work (and I'm not very interested
in doing it either).

> I'm interested in examples of such cases.

I suspect that a good way to find such an example might start by trying
to think of websites which Google would specifically want to avoid
(e.g. for legal or political reasons) while Microsoft wouldn't.
This might be because it's related to a country which kicked out one of
the two while the other managed to sign some kind of agreement or
something like that.

> Incorrect (or at least outdated):
> DuckDuckGo gets its results from over four hundred sources. These
> include hundreds of vertical sources delivering niche Instant Answers,
> DuckDuckBot (our crawler) and crowd-sourced sites (like Wikipedia,
> stored in our answer indexes). We also of course have more traditional
> links in the search results, which we also source from multiple
> partners, though most commonly from Bing (and none from Google).
> https://help.duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/results/sources/

Thanks for the precisions.


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