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Re: Running a FreeBSD guest

Le 24/03/2021 à 03:12, Victor Sudakov a écrit :

The relation between qemu and kvm confuses me. "apt install qemu-kvm" is
trying to install a ton of X11 packages including Mesa drivers etc, I
would not really want that. And "apt install kvm" does not find such a

QEMU/KVM relationship:

as I see it (but someone with a real understanding of the subject -that I do not have- could be horrified by what I say): - KVM is roughly a Linux(-only) kernel module that permits the use the Linux Kernel as the basis of an hypervisor and the access to hardware acceleration. But it is not by itself a whole virtualization solution - QEMU is a multi-platform virtualization solution that does not require hardware acceleration and does not by itseelf provide a way to use this acceleration. In the past many accelerators had been available - today a common way to virtualize a guest in a linux host is to use Qemu with the KVM kernel module (and invoking KVM is really invoking Qemu)

more (and more pertinent) info here:

QEMU/X11 relationship:
- I do not really know how to install Qemu without X11 nor if it possible without the loss of CLI features. Possible solutions could be to install packages with the "without recommended" option, to forbid installation of packages by establishing preferences (cf apt_preferences manpage). A possible culprit is qemu-system-gui and you could forbid its installation. I do not know if running Qemu immplies that a X11 server is running or simply installed - the Qemu package in Debian is an all-architectures one: if you want to emulate/virtualize only X86/X86_64 hardware, qemu-systemx-86 is sufficient - if you do not want to install X11 and can not avoid it with Qemu, perhaps you could look at Xen. I do not know if it could be of interest in your case. My opinion (but I am not knowledgeable on this) is that Xen is perhaps more modular than Qemu but with an added (to me at least) complexity. Another element: I seem to recall that Xen is welle used/known is the NetBSD world and that could translate in your FreeBSD approach?


This is also confusing, as the document is written about kvm but cites
qemu as an example.

see above :-)

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