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Re: Social-media antipathy (was Re: How i can optimize my operating system?)

On Fri, 12 Mar 2021, at 19:03, Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:

> I'm just guessing, but how do they access Facebook and yet not be able
> to use a telephone?

I think some of you miss some of the advantages of Facebook.  It allows
me to stay loosely in touch with around 120 friends, many of whom I have
not seen face-to-face for maybe 30 years.  They can see I'm still alive and 
I them, and I'm able to feel just slightly more in-touch with them.

The overall effect is a bit like that of receiving a once-per-year round-robin
letter from each of them, except that instead of a whole wodge of news 
coming once per year, one gets - shall we say - a fiftieth of the amount 
50 times more often.

It also allows one to comment immediately on something someone else
has done, which requires a lot less commitment than a full conversation 
with someone whom, in fact, one perhaps no longer knows well.  

I would not expect most of these people ever to ring me, and by the 
same token I am not going to ring 120 people, who're now spread all
across the world.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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