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Re: RTL8821CE does not load automatically at boot time

On 24.11.2020 21:07, Kanito 73 wrote:
Hello community

I have (almost) ready mylaptop, but there are still a few details to fix... I've used an external driver for my RTL8821CE wifi (https://github.com/tomaspinho/rtl8821ce) but it is not loaded during the boot process. The generated module is "rtl8821ae.ko" (not "rtl8821ce.ko") but apparently it works fine (have to test it thoroughly).

When I first tried to load rtl8821CE the system said that could not be find at /lib/modules/5.8... so I searched for it manually and found rtl8821AE at /lib/modules/5.8.../kernel/drivers/net/wireless and loaded manually "modprobe rtl8821ae", then the wifi device appeared and worked.

My question is: How can I load automatically the driver? Perhaps the kernel detects RTL8821CE and expects for rtl8821ce.ko... Is there some way to load it explicitly maybe adding rtl8821ae.ko to a list of modules to load?

Thanks again for your help and patience

Is there a reason for using an external driver? Kernel module for your NIC is already provided by stable kernel image. You've probably just missing a firmware. [1]
Have you tried to install "firmware-realtek" package from non-free section of official Debian "buster" or "buster-backports" repo?

[1] https://packages.debian.org/buster/firmware-realtek

With kindest regards, Alexander.

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