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Re: Qemu 9pfs sftp chrootdirectory option issue

On 10/21/2020 11:02 PM, Markus Schönhaber wrote:
21.10.20, 19:11 +0200, john doe:

On 10/20/2020 7:59 PM, Markus Schönhaber wrote:

How about moving the 9pshare to a root-owned directory and pointing the
ChrootDirectory there, for example:
share -> /all/owned/by/root/9pshare
ChrootDirectory -> /all/owned/by/root

Thank you for this.

I can only do that if 'passthrough' is used, as I don't realy understand
the implecations of running qemu as root, I was hoping to find a way
with 'mapped'.
'mapped' requires that the directory on the host is set to the group and
user used by qemu, 'libvirt-qemu in this case.

I don't see the problem with chown'ing the 9pshare directory to the qemu
user in my example above.

Okay, following your instructions I can now connect using sftp but I can
not access the content of the share:

$ ls -dl /srv/sftp/9p
drwx------ 8 root root ... /srv/sftp/9p
$ sftp sftp9p
Connected to sftp9p.
sftp> ls
remote readdir("/"): Permission denied
sftp> quit

I don't understand how I can have both working together.

How do you manage to get it working?

John Doe

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