Re: Use of installer's interactive shells on tty1-tty4
On Tue 15 Sep 2020 at 04:39:49 (+1000), David wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Sep 2020 at 04:27, David <> wrote:
> > On Tue, 15 Sep 2020 at 00:10, David Wright <> wrote:
> > > On Mon 14 Sep 2020 at 19:48:37 (+1000), David wrote:
> > > > To explore and confirm and maybe learn something from
> > > > smarter people, I report below some actual test results:
> [...]
> Sorry for this extra message, I forgot to state that all my tests
> were done in the installer text mode. It never occurs to me
> to use the GUI mode.
I took a look, and it's all pretty similar for tty[234] as shown with
echo 'hello tty4 hello' > /dev/tty4
and likewise. (I recommend self-identifying your echos.)
However, VC1 is used for Xorg's log, which you can scribble on with
echo 'hello tty1 hello' > /dev/tty1
and note in passing that /dev/tty0 always writes to yourself
on the ttys.
The graphical installer displays itself on what I assume is VC5,
as Xorg has /dev/tty5 open on fd=10, and Ctrl-Alt-F5 selects it
from other VCs. The installer's own process seems to communicate
through /dev/tty0 streams.
When you open a shell in the installer itself (ie through the main
menu), it uses /dev/pts/0 just as you found. You can write to this
shell from any of the other VCs by typing eg
echo 'hi pts/0 from tty2 hi' > /dev/pts/0
as one might expect.
So I don't think there's much here for the OP, who might have just
wanted someone to wax lyrical about the delights of ash.
But the thread seems to be being hijacked by DE people, though where
Felix's first post came from, I don't quite get.
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