I'm thinking about putting my backup encrypted files in a LUKS filesystem within a file instead of on a dedicated partition (for a few reasons). I have two questions about that: * if I don't have that LUKS filesystem "mounted" and open and I write to it, I assume (or hope) that nothing will get written and I will get a warning or error message of some sort? * doesn't exactly apply to this situation, but, on the other hand, if my "source" / original / non-backup LUKS system is in a file instead of on a dedicated partition, and I use commands (like rsync or such) to copy the unencrypted files not on the LUKS system, but I use options like the ones to stay on the current filesystem (--one-file-system), I assume (or hope) that the stuff in the encrypted partition will not get copied?
I assume that you are referring to something like is described here:
The procedure described there creates a file encrypted.img that
is a luks volume that requires a filesystem (mkfs.ext4) and mount
point to be used as a encrypted storage. If you want you can
leave out --key-file mykey.keyfile and you will be asked for a
pass phrase.
Files can be copied with rsync to the mount point $HOME/Private/
and they will be encrypted and not visible to the system after the
umount and cryptsetup luksClose commands.
In my experiment the file encrypted.img can be written to or truncated while it is being used as a mounted encrypted volume but once you umount and luksClose the file ALL DATA is lost! So to be safe let the file encrypted.img belong to root (with mode 600) and let a normal user write to the mounted volume at $HOME/Private/ after the chown command is run for the user. Once the file encrypted.img is unmounted and closed out with luksClose it can be copied or moved to other places like a flash drive like any other file.
Warning: If you forget to open and mount the file encrypted.img to $HOME/Private/ and you copy files to $HOME/Private/ it will appear to work correctly but they will not be encrypted! If you don't move the files out of $HOME/Private/ before you correct the mistake and mount encrypted.img you will not see those files in $HOME/Private/ until you unmount encrypted.img.
By saying mount encrypted.img I mean the 2 commands: "cryptsetup
luksOpen encrypted.img myEncryptedVolume" and then "mount
/dev/mapper/myEncryptedVolume $HOME/Private/".
The unmount encrypted.img commands are "umount $HOME/Private/" and "cryptsetup luksClose myEncryptedVolume".
I am not an expert on cryptsetup. I have used these commands
before but I was curious to see if the system it protected
encrypted.img while it was being used. I see that root can muck
around with or delete encrypted.img making it unusable so your
only protections are just like other files .... backup!